Guidance and resources

Tāngata whaikaha Māori Data

We look at available data on how Tāngata whaikaha Māori (Māori Disabled) are doing since 2018
Choice & control
Employment & economic security
Health & wellbeing
ODI projects
Rights protection & justice

COVID-19 Data analysis

We have compiled analysis on available data about the impacts of COVID-19 on disabled people in New Zealand.

Giving effect to the New Zealand Sign Language Act

This is a practical guide for departments on how to give effect to the principles through their policies and practices in order to promote access to government information and services for the Deaf community.

A brief history of disability in Aotearoa New Zealand

This page, written by Martin Sullivan and Hilary Stace, takes a brief look at the history of disability in Aotearoa, since the advent of European settlement.
Employment & economic security
Health & wellbeing
ODI news
ODI projects
Rights protection & justice