Action - Increase access to health services

The action outlined below will help achieve this outcome. This work was started under the existing Disability Action Plan. 

9. Priority: Increase government services’ responsiveness to disabled people

9 C: Increase access to health services and improve health outcomes for disabled people with a specific focus on people with learning/intellectual disabilities.

Progress update to September 2018

Status: Minor risks to achieving milestones - Orange


In sum:
• This project is being re-scoped in line with the new governments priorities and manifesto commitments.

Action Milestones:

Scope approved [recommenced]

  • Project is being re-scoped in line with discussions with the new government on their policy priorities and work associated with the DSS System Transformation project.

Identify actions  [complete]

  • The Ministry of Health is developing advice to the new government. This draws upon the previous recommendations of the reference group.

Work incorporated into the NZ Health Strategy to support implementation [complete]

  • Action is included in the NZ Health Strategy Roadmap of Actions

Produce and publish a public document to describe actions  [on-going]

  • Internal conversations are taking place as to the best approach on this and whether an action plan is the most efficient next step.

Approval of action plan [unknown]

  • More specific timeframes to deliver actions and advice will be discussed with the Reference Group, Senior Officials/DPO and CEGD meetings.

Advice to Minister (mid-2017) [unknown]

  •  A health report is currently being drafted with options for the Minister.

Lead: Ministry of Health

DPOs lead: People First

Others involved:       Spectrum Care, Capital And Coast DHB, MidCentral Health DHB, Midland Health Network, Special Olympics, IHC.




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