Action - Implement transport stocktake recommendations
The action outlined below will help achieve this outcome. This work was started under the existing Disability Action Plan.
10. Priority: Increase the accessibility for disabled people of the built environment and transport services
10 A: Implement the recommendations agreed by the Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues, which were identified through the stocktake on the accessibility of public transport.
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Progress update to September 2018
Status: On track - Green
Progress has been made across three of the five recommendations with others on track to meet milestones and timeframes.
Action Milestones:
Recommendation 1- Consider issues of access to public transport, including for those with a disability, when developing the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) 2018-2021 [completed]
- Ministry of Transport: The Government Policy Statement (GPS) team have engaged with DPOs regarding the draft GPS.
Recommendation 2 - Further develop the Transport Agency's Guidelines for public transport infrastructure and facilities to provide best practice guidance on the provision of information and signage for public transport [on-going]
- New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA): This recommendation required linking disability groups directly with Councils, a direct channel for this is yet to be established.
Recommedation 3- Investigate how the training of bus drivers can better guide them in interacting and assissting passengers, including how the guidance specifically related to those with impairments and disabilities can be further developed [on-going]
- NZTA: Contact has been made with:
- Auckland Transport (AT)
- Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) and
- the Bus and Coach Association on training incentives.
- GWRC have indication that it has engaged with CPO representatives on what should be included in relation to driver training for people with a disability in new contracts that will come into force in 2018. We are currently waiting on response from Auckland Transport.
Recommendation 4 - Investigate how many councils have formally adopted and incorporated into their codes of practice the Transport Agency's Pedestrian planning and design guide and the road and traffic standards for facilities for blind and vision impaired pedestrians (RTS 14) [on-going]
- NZTA: This recommendation requires linking disability groups directly with Councils, a direct channel for this is yet to be established.
Recommendation 5- Investigate what data is already available reguarding the trips made on public transport by those with a disability and look at how we can use this more effectively to measure people's accessibility [unknown]
- Ministry of Transport.
- Disability Data Evidence working group - The Ministry is closely involved in the ODI led work on the stock take of data across Government and sit on the Disability Data Evidence working group.
- The Household Travel Survey has included accessibility questions since 2015. Results from the 2017 survey provides information on the percentage of the population (by age and gender) who have difficulties that sometimes or always prevent them:
- driving a vehicle
- being a passenger in a vehicle
- independently using public transport
- independently walking 500m unaided.
Lead: Ministry of Transport, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency
DPOs lead: Blind Citizens
Scope of action
Scope to be developed.
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