Action - Understand the impact of disability on housing needs

The action outlined below will help achieve this outcome. This work was started under the existing Disability Action Plan. 

10. Priority: Increase the accessibility for disabled people of the built environment and transport services

10 C: Understand the impact of disability on housing needs and influence the social housing reform programme to meet the needs of disabled people.

On this page

Progress update

Scope of action

Progress update to September 2018

Status: Major risks to achieving milestones - Red


  • MSD’s Housing Policy team is still working with ODI to scope out how to improve housing outcomes for public housing tenants with disabilities. This includes work to better identify the needs of disabled people on the housing register. 

Lead: Office for Disability Issues & Ministry of Social Development

DPOs lead: Disabled Person's Assembly

Scope of action

Scope to be developed. 

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