Action - Ensure providers are responsive to disabled people

The action outlined below will help achieve this outcome. This work was started under the existing Disability Action Plan.  

6. Priority: Increase the capability of disability support service providers to be of service to disabled people

6 B: Ensure providers are responsive to disabled people and provide choice and tailoring of services. Explore how provider performance should be assessed, including through accreditation, provider performance measurement, and contract monitoring systems.

On this page

Progress update

Scope of action

Progress update to September 2018

Status: Orange - Minor risks to achieving milestones. Reinstated into action plan.

A scope has been developed for testing with the DPOs and senior officials. Consultation on the scope will be completed by the end of October 2018.

Completion of Ministry of Health Request for Information (RFI) (December 2016) [complete]

  • RFI closed on 16 September 2016. 21 responses were received.
  • DSS decided not to proceed with going to tender for new evaluation services due to the potential impact of proposed changes to the regulatory regime arising from the Review of Safety Regulation in Disability Support. When this is finalised, DSS will be in a position to tender for evaluation services that will meet the new requirements.
  • Hence current contracts with evaluators have been renewed for a further three years to allow time for any changes to the regulatory regime to be understood and implemented.

Training of people with disabilities to be evaluators completed (June 2017)

  • The working group for this action has met twice to understand the current involvement of disabled people in the evaluation of Ministry of Health- funded disability support services.
  • Information has also been provided on the Results-Based Accountability outcome measures disability support service providers are reporting on.

Rescope this action as part of System Transformation

A revised scope has been developed for consultation with DPOs by the end of October 2018. 

Lead: Ministry of Health

Others involved: Ministry of Social Development

DPOs contact: Deaf Aotearoa



Scope of action

Scope in development.

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