Step 5
Step 5: Incorporating disability into Cabinet papers, information and communications
In this step, you will write up your policy process (from Steps 2-4) and prepare recommendations for Ministers to consider.
Step 5
In this step, you will write up your policy process (from Steps 2-4) and prepare recommendations for Ministers to consider.
The Policy Project's Policy Quality Framework sets out how to ensure any advice tells the full story to engage the decision maker in the issues that matter, including how to reflect diverse perspectives in your advice.
This is where you summarise the implications of your policy proposals on disabled people.
Incorporating these points into the population section and throughout your Cabinet paper should reduce the risk of your paper being pushed back by Cabinet Ministers due to insufficient consideration of the disability perspective of your proposed policy.
Make sure your Cabinet paper and any attachments can be accessed by everyone. Guidance on how to do this can be found in the Ministry of Social Development Accessibility Guide .