Summaries of working group meetings in 2014-2015

This section provides links to summaries of discussion and decisions from the working group meetings.

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Increase employment and economic opportunity working group

This shared result focuses on building employers’ confidence to employ disabled people and provide accessible workplaces, opportunities for work experiences, entrepreneurship, and education achievement and skill development. It recognises obligations in the CRPD, particularly Articles 24 and 27.

Summary of meeting on:

Ensure personal safety working group

This shared result focuses on promoting systems and practices to protect disabled children and adults in all settings. It recognises obligations in the CRPD, particularly Articles 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 23.

Summary of meeting on:

Transform the disability support system working group

This shared result focuses on ensuring effective engagement with disabled people and coordination across sectors and across agencies to focus on outcomes and maximum progress from available resources. It recognises obligations in the CRPD, particularly Articles 19, 20 and 26.

Summary of meeting on:

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