Giving effect to the New Zealand Sign Language Act

NZSL is an official language, but often government agencies aren’t sure how to meet their obligations.

 We’ve released guidance called ‘Giving effect to the New Zealand Sign Language Act

 This is a practical guide for departments on how to give effect to the principles through their policies and practices in order to promote access to government information and services for the Deaf community.

 The guide covers:

  • Important context - The Deaf community, Deaf culture and NZSL
  • The guiding principles  - Understanding the guiding principles under the NZSL Act
  • Giving effect to the guiding principles - Practical guidance for departments on how to give effect to the principles
  • Other relevant frameworks -  Other statutory, policy and international frameworks relevant to how departments and other government agencies engage with the Deaf community.
  • More help and guidance -  Other resources and people who can help

ODI has led the development of this resource for the Public Service in collaboration with the Deaf community and the support of SuperDiversity’

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